A Palette for the People / for the Kresge Foundation. Book development, art direction, design, print management, photography.
A Palette for the People is the 2021 Eminent Artist Monograph about Detroit painter Shirley Woodson.
9 x 12 in, 80 pages, perfect bound.
Copies of the Eminent Artist Monographs are available free to US residents, by completing this form.
The cover, spine, and back of the book comprise a life-size detail of one of Woodson’s paintings. I photographed the painting in sections, and made a composite image so that I could capture the texture of the brushstrokes on canvas.
At the exhibition opening that doubled as the book release party, we compared the color fidelity and size accuracy of the cover against the actual painting—a rare treat!
Each contributor chose a work by Woodson to accompany their essay. The artwork appears on a spread, without explanation. The corresponding essay follows.
The essay that follows the art plate includes a reduced image of the piece.