The Crystal Text / for City Lights Books. Cover, text, and binding design; composition and typesetting.

This is a facsimile edition of Clark Coolidge’s book-length poem, originally published in 1987. I managed the scanning and image-editing of the facsimile text pages, and designed a complementary text setting for the endmatter materials and title page.

5.5 x 8.5 in, 176 pages, perfect-bound paperback.

Front cover. Photographs by Garrett Caples. I used a digital cut of Albertus on the cover, in a not-so-subtle nod to City Lights’ early book covers.

Title page is set in Kabel Neue, an elegant digital cut of the classic metal typeface.

Cover detail

A page of the poem, reproduced from the original edition.


Letterpress posters


Emerald Wounds